Senin, 31 Maret 2014


Refrensi Buku 1
A. Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan.
Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice.
Contoh :
Active voice : They catch some cat in the cage.
Passive voice : Some cat are catched by Them in the cage. Dari contoh tersebut dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
1.      Object dari active voice “some cat” menjadi subject dari passive voice
2.      Subject dari active voice (they) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun they menjadi object pronoun them.
3.      Verb1 (catch) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (catched) pada passive voice.
4.      Ditambahkannya be are di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan.
5.      Ditambahkannya kata by di belakang verb3.
6.      Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi.
B.     Kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya.

Passive voice : that comic is being bought by sudibya  Active voice : Sudibya is buying that comic.
Dari contoh tersebut dapat dijelaskan:
1.      Object dari passive voice sudibya menjadi subject dari active voice.
2.      Subject dari passive voice that comic menjadi object dari active voice.
3.      Verb 3 (bought) pada passive voice berubah menjadi buying dan bila pada active voicenya verb 1 + ing maka pada passive voice harus ditambahkan being.
a.    Simple present : Active : (S+V1)  Passive : to be (is/am/are) verb 3
b.    Present Continuos: Active : (S+to be(is/am/are)+V+ing)  Passive : to be (is/am/are)+being+V3
c.    Present Perfect: Active : (S+have/has+V3)  Passive : (have/has+been+V3)
d.    Simple Past: Active : (S+V2)  Passive : to be ( was/were+V3)
e.    Past Continuous: Active : S+to be (was/were)+Verb+ing)  Passive : to be (was/were)+being+V3
f.    Past Perfect Active : (S+had+V3)  Passive : (had+been+V3)
Contoh kalimat active dan passive berdasarkan tense nya adalah sebagai berikut:
1.      Simple present
Active: I read a newspaper  Passive : A newspaper is read by me.
Active: Felix sweeps the floor every day.  Passive : The floor is swept by felix every day.
Active : we hunt some pig.  Passive : Some pig are hunted by us.
2.      Present Continuous
Active : He is drinking a cup of tea.  Passive : A cup of tea is being drunk by him.
Active : They are catching some cat at the moment.  Passive : Some cat are being catched by them at the moment.
Active : Felix is sweeping the floor now.  Passive : The floor is being swept by felix now.
3.      Present Perfect
Active : felix has swept the floor  Passive : The floor has been swept by felix.
Active : Sudibya has bought that book of knowledge.  Passive : That book of knowledge has been bought by sudibya.
Active : They have catched some fish.  Passive : Some fish have been catched by them.
1.      Simple past
Active : she ate some fried chicken.  Passive : Some fried chicken was eaten by her.
Active : Felix swept the floor.  Passive : The floor was swept by felix.
Active : they hunted some pig  Passive : Some pig were hunted by them.
2.      Past Continuos
Active : Felix was sweeping the room.  Passive : The room was being swept by felix.
Active : Rivan ws recording our conversation.  Passive : Our conversation was being recorded by rivan.
Active : They were catching some fish.  Passive : Some fish were being catched by them.
3.      Past Perfect
Active : Lucida had swabt the class room.  Passive : Class room had been swabt by lucida.
Active : They had hunted some pig.   Passive : Some pig had been hunted by them.
Active : They have ordered some Chinese food.  Passive : Some Chinese food has been ordered by them.

Refrensi Buku 1 :
Simanjuntak, Herpinus.1992. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta.Yovidherci,CV.
Buku catatan bahasa inggris

Refrensi Buku 2
A.    Pengertian Passive Voice
Passive Voice yang di dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut juga kalimat pasif, adalah bentuk kalimat yang lebih menekankan objek (nomina penderita) daripada subjek (pelaku). Ketika diterjemahkan, kalimat ini diawali dengan awalan di-/ ter- yang berawalan dengan kalimat aktif, berawalan me- atau ber-.
B.     Pola Kalimat
Pola kalimat yang digunakan pada passive voice adalah dibentuk dari :
            to be + Verb-3 (past participle)

Active                                            Passive
to give         = mengambil                to be given    = diambil
to receive = menerima                     to be received    = diterima

Contoh :   
  Has a dog ever bitten you? – have you ever bitten by a dog?
  My grandfather built this house – this house was built by my grandfather

  Present simple am/is/are + Verb-3
Active        : Somebody clean this room everyday
Passive    : This room is cleaned everyday
  Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving
  I’m not often invited to parties
  How many people are injured inroad accident everyday
  Past simple was/were + Verb-3
Active        : Somebody cleaned this room yesterday
Passive    : This room was cleaned yesterday
  During the night we were all waken up by a loud explosion
  When was that castle built
  The house wasn’t damaged in the storm but a tree was blown down
  Present continuous am/is/are + Verb-3
Active        : Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment
Passive    : The room is being cleaned at the moment

  Look at those old houses! They are being knocked down
  (shoop assistant to customer) Are you being served, madam?
  Past continuous was/were being + Verb-3
Active        : Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived
Passive    : The room was being cleaned when I arrived
  Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. We were being followed
  Present perfect have / has been + Verb-3
Active        : The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned it   
Passive    : The room looks nice. It has been cleaned   
  Have you heard the news? They president has been shot
  Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
  I’m not going to the party. I haven’t been invited
  Past perfect had been + Verb-3
Active        : The room looked much better. Somebody had cleaned it   
Passive    : The room locked much better. It had been cleaned
  Jim didn’t know about the change of plans. He hadn’t been told.

Buku SPMB konsultan Pendidikan Salemba Group divisi bimbingan tes alumni    salemba Jakarta.